    • Presentations: Overview Seminari DAM (7th floor) (Facultat de Física)

      Seminari DAM (7th floor)

      Facultat de Física

      • 1
        ICCUB, present status

        Present structure of ICCUB, permanent members, postdocs and students, diversity. Research areas, funding sources, secretarial support, technological unit. What factors depend on UB, on Spanish funding, and what on our own decision at ICCUB and FQA department?

        Speaker: Prof. Xavier Luri (ICCUB)
      • 2
        ICCUB Maria de Maeztu program

        Research strategy, hiring strategy and the future. Potential problem of overreliance on MdM funding: possible solutions?

        Speaker: Prof. Jordi Miralda (ICCUB-ICREA)
    • 15:00
      Open discussion - Coffee Break
    • Presentations: Priority lines Seminari DAM (7th floor) (Facultat de Física)

      Seminari DAM (7th floor)

      Facultat de Física

      • 3
        Speakers: Jaume Garriga, Licia Verde
      • 4
        Relativity and Gravitational Waves
        Speakers: Jordi Portell de Mora (ICCUB), Mark Gieles, Prof. Roberto Emparan (ICCUB. University of Barcelona.)
      • 5
        Strongly Coupled Matter
        Speakers: David Mateos, Àngels Ramos
      • 6
        Particle Physics and Axions
        Speakers: Eugeni Graugés, Prof. Federico Mescia (ICCUB. University of Barcelona.), Prof. Jordi Miralda (ICCUB-ICREA)
      • 7
        Milky Way Evolution and GAIA
        Speakers: Prof. Carme Jordi (ICCUB. University of Barcelona.), Paolo Padoan
      • 8
        Quantum Technology
        Speakers: Prof. Bruno Julia (ICCUB. University of Barcelona.), Sofyan Iblisdir
    • 17:30
      Open Discussion
    • 9
      Technological Unit

      Present structure, Goals and Future Challenges

      Speakers: David Gascon Fora (ICCUB. Universitat de Barcelona), Jordi Portell de Mora (ICCUB)
    • 10
      ICCUB Secretary Office and Dissemination
      Speakers: Esther Pallares, Prof. Xavier Luri (ICCUB)
    • 11
      Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Commission
      Speaker: Assumpta Parreño
    • 12
      Student and postdoc program
    • 15:30
      Coffee Break
    • 13
      Open schedule for meetings of members of the IAB with various members of the ICCUB communities
      • graduate students
      • postdocs
      • Ramon y Cajal and Lectors
      • technological unit staff.
    • 17:00
      Open Discussion
    • 14
      Final meeting of IAB with ICCUB Directing Team
    • 15
      Reserved time for the IAB members to organize Report writing