7–8 Feb 2022
Facultat de Física
Europe/Madrid timezone

Dynamical characterization of the Magellanic Clouds using Gaia data

8 Feb 2022, 11:45
Facultat de Física

Facultat de Física

Martí i Franqués, 1 08028 Barcelona


Óscar Jiménez Arranz


The Large Magellanic Cloud is a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way at a distance of about 50 kpc visible from the southern hemisphere. Together with its companion, the Small Magellanic cloud, form a perfect laboratory to test methodologies and models designed for external galaxies. Their proximity to the Milky Way makes them suitable to study their morphology and interaction using Gaia (ESA) data. In this talk, some of the latest results regarding the dynamical characterization of the Large Magellanic Cloud and its interaction with the Small Magellanic Cloud will be presented.

Primary author

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