We investigate theoretically the superfluidity of a one-dimensional boson system whose hopping energy is periodically modulated with a zero time average, which results in the suppression of first-order single-particle hopping processes. The dynamics of this Floquet-engineered flat-band system is entirely driven by correlations and described by exotic Hamiltonian and current operators. We...
Persistent currents in quasi-one-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates become chiral in the presence of current-density interactions. This phenomenon is explored in ultracold atoms loaded in a rotating ring geometry, where diverse current-carrying stationary states are analytically found to generalize previously known solutions to the mean-field equations of motion. Their dynamical stability...
We study multiple symmetry-breaking in many-body systems, focusing on the specific case of an atomic condensate. We discuss the quantization procedure of the Goldstone mode associated to each broken symmetry. This quantization involves a Berry-Gibbs connection which depends on the macroscopic conserved charges associated to each broken symmetry and is not invariant under generalized gauge...
The demanding experimental access to the ultrafast dynamics of materials challenges our understanding of their electronic response to applied strong laser fields. In this work, we show that trapped ultracold atoms with highly controllable potentials can become an enabling tool to describe phenomena in a scenario where some effects are more easily accessible and twelve orders of magnitude...
Variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) have emerged as a powerful tool to make the best out of the quantum hardware available nowadays. The key idea is to use a classical optimizer to find the set of parameters of a parametrized quantum circuit implemented on the hardware such that it minimizes a given cost function. Beyond digital architectures, VQAs also hold great promise for analog quantum...
Inelastic confinement-induced resonances (ICIRs) [1] offer an alternative way to control atom-atom scattering besides Feshbach resonances [2]. These resonances have their origin in the coupling between the center-of-mass and the relative motion due to the anharmonicities in the optical confinement, irrespective of its shape (optical lattice, optical tweezer, etc.), and of the interatomic...