BIG&C Meetings: Barcelona Initiative for Gravitation and Cosmology

UB Physics Faculty

UB Physics Faculty

Martí i Franquès, 1, 11 08028 Barcelona


The BIG&C (Barcelona Initiative for Gravitation and Cosmology) aims to bring together all actors working in the field of gravity and cosmology in Barcelona, from observations to theory. 

These series of meetings has the purpose to set an informal stage for the exchange of ideas and to encourage joint discussions on relevant topics in the field.  It also provides the opportunity for people working in Barcelona to get informed on the lines of research of the other institutes.

1st kick off event: 18th September, 2023 at ICCUB, Aula Pere Pascual


Diego Blas (IFAE), Jacopo Fumagalli (ICCUB), Jaume Garriga (ICCUB), Cristiano Germani (ICCUB), Oriol Pujolas (IFAE), Carlos Sopuerta (ICE-CSIC/IEEC)

  • Antoni Bertólez Martínez
  • Antonia Micol Frassino
  • Carlos F Sopuerta
  • Catalina-Ana Miritescu
  • David Mateos
  • Diego Cruces
  • Eduard Salvador Solé
  • Fabio van Dissel
  • Ivan Martin Vilchez
  • Jacopo Fumagalli
  • Jaume Garriga
  • Jordi Miralda-Escudé
  • Jorge Casalderrey Solana
  • Kay Lehnert
  • M Herrero Valea
  • Michele Lenzi
  • Mohammad Ali Gorji
  • Oriol Pujolas
  • Pablo Tejerina
  • Pietro Morandi
  • Quim Llorens
  • Raul Jimenez
  • Silvia Gasparotto
  • Sina Hooshangi
  • Valentí Bosch-Ramon
  • Ángel Gil Muyor