The study of excitation spectra of hadrons is a crucial experimental tool to understand the binding mechanism of quarks in the strong interaction. While big advances have been made in recent years in the study of heavy-flavour hadrons containing a charm (c) or beauty (b) quark, the field of multi-strange (s) baryons, especially $\Xi^{0,−}$ (ssu, ssd) and $\Omega^−$ (sss), is largely unexplored. To date, only a limited amount of states (10 for $\Xi^{0,−}$ and 4 for $\Omega^−$) are known, most of them seen with very low statistics in small fixed-target experiments in the 1980s but never experimentally confirmed. The vast LHCb dataset of charm hadrons such as the $\Omega^0_c$ baryon offers a rare opportunity to search for missing states in the excitation spectra of strange baryons by looking at decays of the $\Omega^0_c$ baryon such as $\Omega^0_c → \Xi^− \pi^+ K^− \pi^+$. I will discuss some ideas and preliminary results on how a search at LHCb can be performed.