7–8 Feb 2022
Facultat de Física
Europe/Madrid timezone

Simulating black hole binaries

7 Feb 2022, 11:45
Facultat de Física

Facultat de Física

Martí i Franqués, 1 08028 Barcelona


Dr Tomas Andrade (University of Barcelona)


Our recently acquired ability to detect gravitational waves has expanded our senses and our possibilities of inquiring the Universe. As a new era of gravitational wave detections rapidly unfolds, the importance of having accurate models for their signals becomes increasingly important. In this context, we will discuss numerical simulations of black hole binaries. In particular, we will focus on how they are made, what they help us achieve, and what are the current challenges in this research area.

Primary author

Dr Tomas Andrade (University of Barcelona)

Presentation materials