7–8 Feb 2022
Facultat de Física
Europe/Madrid timezone

The Higgs boson: a promising portal to New Physics

7 Feb 2022, 12:35
Facultat de Física

Facultat de Física

Martí i Franqués, 1 08028 Barcelona


Íñigo Asiáin (ICCUB - UB)


The Higgs boson, responsible for the mass of the SM fundamental particles, plays a central role in propounding New Physics (NP) that might shed some light on the still unanswered questions present within the standard frame of particle physics. For example, the appearance of resonances in the scattering of longitudinally polarized vector bosons (intimately related to the Higgs mechanism) would be a clear indication of the presence of such NP.

In this presentation I will talk about the importance of the Higgs particle to unravel the questions that we do not get to understand using the standard framework and then focus on the advances in my research on vector boson scattering (VBS) to look for new heavy resonant states.

Primary author

Íñigo Asiáin (ICCUB - UB)

Presentation materials