To date, all gravitational-wave detections accomplished by the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA collaboration are compatible with compact binary merger events involving black holes and neutron stars in all three possible combinations. Signals from binary black hole (BBH) coalescences, however, are by far the most common and their modelling will be the focus of this presentation. The detection of BBH merger...
The detection and analysis of gravitational-wave signals relies on the comparison of the gravitational strain observed by the detectors (e.g. LIGO and Virgo) to theoretical templates for strain produced by given sources, e.g. black-hole mergers. Numerical simulations of compact-mergers, however, do not typically output the gravitational strain but a quantity known as the Newman-Penrose (NP)...
There is evidence and theoretical reasons to believe that Black Holes can be densely clustered. Black holes in these dense clusters can gravitationally scatter off each other in hyperbolic encounters, emitting gravitational waves that could be observed by current detectors. In this talk we will discuss about the properties of these encounters as well as about the gravitational waves that are...