Current sw management rules at:
Which sw is managed?
# Online?
# Framework?
# User analisis?
Role of the existing Ligo-Virgo Software Configuration Control Board (SCCB) in this game:
/virgoApps more than 900 packages!
Review product/module breakdown
Is there a "Testing environment"?, useful/needed to decouple from the operational one.
- Not only for data analysis pipelines, but also at ‘framework’ level; e.g. to test Rucio, DIRAC, data exchange, bookkeeping, workload…
- How are the main pipelines developed? Internal group effort or collab effort?
- Which are developed by Virgo?
Which are coming external to Virgo?
SW distribution
- Conda (Review of the corresponding proposal
- Cvmfs
Newer toolings available
- Git
CMT not maintained
- Can we take the conda migration as an opportunity to replace cmt with something else? CMake, bazel…
Automated release, packaging and distribution possible?
- Roadmap