26–30 Jun 2023
UB Physics Faculty
Europe/Madrid timezone

Diffuse emission from black hole remnants

27 Jun 2023, 16:10
UB Physics Faculty

UB Physics Faculty

Martí i Franquès, 1, 11 08028 Barcelona


Mateo Pascual (Western University, London)


At the end of its evaporation, a black hole may leave a remnant where a large amount of information is stored. We argue that the existence of an area gap as predicted by loop quantum gravity removes a main objection to this scenario. Remnants should radiate in the low-frequency spectrum. We model this emission and derive properties of the diffuse radiation emitted by a population of such objects. We show that the frequency and energy density of this radiation, which are measurable in principle, suffice to estimate the mass of the parent holes and the remnant density, if the age of the population is known.

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