23–24 Oct 2023
UB Physics Faculty, Sala de Graus Eduard Fontserè
Europe/Madrid timezone

Machine learning in the context of large stellar surveys

23 Oct 2023, 15:00
Sala de Graus Eduard Fontserè (UB Physics Faculty, Sala de Graus Eduard Fontserè)

Sala de Graus Eduard Fontserè

UB Physics Faculty, Sala de Graus Eduard Fontserè

Carrer de Martí i Franquès, 1, 11, 08028 Barcelona


Friedrich Anders (Universitat de Barcelona)


The Gaia mission as well as large-scale ground-based spectroscopic surveys are collecting complex data for millions (even billions) of stars. Within the Gaia group we are therefore been using more and more machine-learning methods to cope with the amount of data. In this talk I will present some examples from recent publications in which we have successfully used supervised (typically regression) and unsupervised (typically dimensionality reduction and clustering) methods in the context of stellar and Galactic astrophysics.

Primary author

Friedrich Anders (Universitat de Barcelona)

Presentation materials