Fractal lattices are self-similar structures with repeated patterns on different scales. Here, we study the dynamical properties of one fractal lattice, the Sierpiński gasket. This system exhibits an inverse power-law behavior in the level spacing distribution. We find that the Sierpiński gasket has a sub-diffusive transport in certain regimes. From the point of view of technological...
The diffuse light is a pervasive feature of groups and clusters consisting of an extended low-surface-brightness component that permeates the intergalactic medium of these large galaxy associations. It is formed by stars stripped from their host galaxies or created in-situ during disruptive interactions experienced by members of these galaxy systems, primarily in the course of the...
We will explain how cosmic inflation generates density waves, responsible for the observed temperature fluctuations on the cosmic microwave background radiation, and gravitational waves (GWs). We will then explore how the new generations of GW detectors can provide us invaluable insights into inflation, inaccessible through cosmic microwave background radiation.
In the Standard Model (SM), the coupling between the gauge bosons and the charged leptons is independent of their generation. This feature is called Lepton Flavour Universality (LFU). Many models beyond the SM foresee a violation of LFU and recent experimental results hints LFU violation. An overview of the experimental techniques and results studying LFU in $b\to c\ell\nu_\ell$ transitions is...
In the study of the dynamics of the Milky Way, a traditional assumption is that the inhomogeneities of the disk are decoupled from the dark matter halo. However, the complex kinematics revealed by Gaia show that the disk-halo interaction could play a much more important role than we imagined in the understanding of our Galaxy.
In this talk, we will discuss the coupling between the spiral...
Hadronic and radiative decays of light mesons decays offer a privileged environment to test QCD and search for physics beyond the Standard Model.
A new generation of precision experiments in hadron physics will soon offer new data that will have an impact on determinations of fundamental QCD parameters, such as the ratio of light quark masses or the $\eta$-$\eta^{\prime}$ mixing parameters,...
What happens when gravitational waves encounter a massive astrophysical object? Gravitational lensing, traditionally seen with light, bends and distorts gravitational waves as a result of the object’s gravity. Gravitational lensing can be a useful tool to learn more about the nature and the properties of these astrophysical objects (termed gravitational lenses). Although ~150 gravitational...
In addition to standard Gaia observations, full Sky Mapper images were recorded for nine selected regions in the sky. An adapted version of Gaia’s Source Detection and Image Parameter Determination software located sources in the 2D images. These source detections were clustered and assigned to new or existing Gaia sources by Gaia s cross-match software. This new pipeline produced half a...
Understanding the strong interactions between baryons is a central goal of nuclear physics. Beyond the clear value of this knowledge in its own right, such information is essential to optimize our experimental sensitivity to new physics. Lattice quantum chromodynamics (LQCD) offers the prospect of studying nuclear systems from first principles. In this talk, I will present results from recent...
One of the features of the SM is Lepton Flavour Universality. This property gives rise to a lepton flavour symmetry in the SM that is only broken by the differences in the charged lepton masses. There is experimental evidence in B-meson semileptonic decays that points to the possibility of LFUV affecting the $b\to c \tau \bar\nu_\tau$ transition. To explain present data one can adopt a...
The dynamical interplay between stars and stellar mass black holes (BHs) in star clusters can lead to a broad spectrum of outcomes which range from peculiar binary systems, as those recently discovered with the astrometric Gaia measurements (Gaia DR3), to micro-tidal disruption events. The former are the first dormant (i.e. X-ray silent), BH-star binaries discovered with Gaia DR3. The latter...
The Technological Unit of the ICCUB is currently providing several groups of ICCUB with services, such as instrumentation and software development, in order to support their contributions to international collaborations. Many developments on instrumentation are related to photosensor, microelectronics and space technology with key contributions in international projects such as LHCb, CTA,...
The ICCUB Technological Unit is contributing to the software development and data processing of several projects of the Institute. The most important one is Gaia, where we develop data processing pipelines and catalogue validation tools, and research on data mining solutions including cloud computing. Gaia has even led to spin-off projects, related to light pollution or even cybersecurity, and...
I explore the strong-coupling effects on the emission of primordial gravitational waves. I start by analyzing the emission from a primordial plasma in thermal equilibrium, both in the weakly-coupled and in the strongly-coupled regimes. Additionally, I overview the emission of gravitational waves resulting from first-order cosmological phase transitions. Traditionally, the dynamics of these...
Cristiano Germani (guitar), Matteo Palassini (violin), Arianna
Palassini (violin), Gregori Astrakharchik (cello), Concerto in D Major
RV93, A. Vivaldi
With more than 5000 confirmed exoplanet detections since 1995, it is now established that planets are very common in our galaxy: almost every star in the galaxy is thought to harbour at least one planet. Kepler, PLATO, and other planet-hunting missions are particularly interested in Earth-like exoplanets, which could in certain cases host liquid water and maybe life.
From a Galactic point of...
Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions (RHIC) allow one to create ultra hot and dense systems where a phase transition from hadronic matter to quark-gluon plasma is expected to occur. Studying RHICs is crucial to understand what happened the firsts moments of the universe when temperatures and densities were so high that matter was only able to be found in the form of quark and gluons. RHICs are...