Jun 11 – 13, 2019
Universitat de Barcelona
Europe/Madrid timezone


In the forth of the “Vacuum” workshops we aim to discuss the current knowledge on the physics of black holes.

The aim of the “Vacuum” workshops is to bring together scientists from different scientific backgrounds to discuss and exchange ideas about fundamental questions related to what the Universe's vacuum is, what are its gravitational and particle physics properties and how do they interlock, if they do.

The workshop is by invitation only. There will be only few invited speakers covering different ideas or experiments related to the topic of this workshop. These talks are aimed to catalyse discussions, for this reason there will be plenty of time between them. In addition, there will be many free white board talks slots. These talks are for the participants of the workshop to be able to propose and/or discuss novel ideas not covered by the invited talks. These additional talks are considered as integral parts of the scientific discussions and so they should be as informal as possible.


Invited Speakers

Raphael Bousso (Berkeley University)

Ramy Brustein (Ben Gurion University)

Oscar Dias (Southampton University)

Stefano Giusto (University of Padova)

Alessia Platania (Heidelberg University)

Andrea Puhm (Ecole Polythecnique, Paris)

Sergey Solodukhin (Tours University)

Carlos Sopuerta (ICE, CSIC, Barcelona)

There is no conference fee but also no funds for participants. Lunch breaks will be offered to the participants.

For general matters, please contact the organizing committee: Cristiano Germani, germani@icc.ub.edu and Roberto Emparan emparan@ub.edu

Starts: 11 June 2019 09:00 CET
Ends: 13 June 2019 18:00 CET

The 12th of June there will be a conference dinner at the price of roughly 40 Euros per person at the CanCortada


Participants interested in the conference dinner will have to transfer this amount to the bank account that will be sent by email during the registration process. A receipt of the dinner will be given by the restaurant the day of the dinner.

Deadline for registration: 01 June 2019 23:59 .


Institute of Cosmos Sciences (ICCUB)
Physics Department, University of Barcelona
C. Martí i Franquès 1, 08028
Barcelona, Spain

Universitat de Barcelona
Universitat de Barcelona Facultat de Física Martí i Franquès, 1 E-08028 Barcelona (Spain) Metro Stop L3 Palau Reial