27–31 May 2024
UB Physics Faculty
Europe/Madrid timezone

Analytical model for black hole evaporation in cosmological space-time [Chair: Notari]

Not scheduled
Room N06 (UB Physics Faculty)

Room N06

UB Physics Faculty

Martí i Franquès, 1, 11 08028 Barcelona


Semin Xavier (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India)


Current constraints suggest the primordial black holes(PBHs) in mass windows $10^{17}-10^{23}$ gm are potential dark matter candidates. It has been argued that the PBHs less than $10^{15}$ gm would have evaporated by now. These analyses assume black holes are in an asymptotically flat space-time. However, realistic black holes are surrounded by local mass distributions and they are embedded in the expanding universe. In this talk, we focus on evaporating black holes in cosmological space-time. We analyze the evaporation process of an exact model for dynamical black hole space-time in general relativity. Our analysis shows that the decay rate of black holes in the cosmological background is different from the black holes in asymptotically flat space-time. We show that cosmological black hole decay is faster than the Schwarzschild black hole for larger masses. Our analysis has important implications for the PBHs as a dark matter candidate. Our model suggests that the decay rate of the PBHs falls for lower masses, which is the opposite compared to the black holes in asymptotically flat space-time. In other words, it is not possible to completely rule out PBHs less than $10^{15}$ gm.

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Primary author

Semin Xavier (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India)


Mr Alan Sunny (INAF - Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali, Via del Fosso del Cavaliere 100, and Department of Physics, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Via Cracovia 90, Italy) Dr Shankaranarayanan Subramaniam (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India)

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