27–31 May 2024
UB Physics Faculty
Europe/Madrid timezone

Loop corrections in models of inflation with PBHs formation [Chair: Gorji]

29 May 2024, 10:00
1h 30m
Room N06 (UB Physics Faculty)

Room N06

UB Physics Faculty

Martí i Franquès, 1, 11 08028 Barcelona


Hassan Firouzjahi (IPM)


We study loop corrections in models of single field inflation which undergo an intermediate phase of USR inflation to generate PBHs. We calculate the loop corrections in power spectrum and bispectrum
of CMB scale modes induced from small scale modes which become superhorizon during the USR phase. We consider the effects of both cubic and quartic interactions and investigate the effects of the sharpness of the transition from the USR phase to the final attractor phase.

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