4 October 2024
Institute of Space Sciences (ICE-CSIC)
Europe/Madrid timezone

Quarkonium: spectrum and decays

4 Oct 2024, 10:50
Alberto Lobo Room (Institute of Space Sciences (ICE-CSIC))

Alberto Lobo Room

Institute of Space Sciences (ICE-CSIC)

Carrer de Can Magrans, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona
Abstract Talks Morning talks


Sandra Tomàs Valls (ICCUB)


Quarkonium, a bound state of a quark and antiquark, offers valuable insights into the strong interaction. Recent discoveries of exotic hadrons, such as hybrids, provide new opportunities to explore QCD beyond conventional quark models. This work explains quarks and hadrons while examinings very lightly the spectrum and decays of quarkonium-like exotic states.

Poster No

Primary author


Joan Soto (Universitat de Barcelona)

Presentation materials

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