4 October 2024
Institute of Space Sciences (ICE-CSIC)
Europe/Madrid timezone

Black holes: funnels or droplets?

4 Oct 2024, 12:40
Alberto Lobo Room (Institute of Space Sciences (ICE-CSIC))

Alberto Lobo Room

Institute of Space Sciences (ICE-CSIC)

Carrer de Can Magrans, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona
Abstract Talks Morning talks


Pau Solé Vilaró


Holography is a field of theoretical physics that explores the nature of quantum gravity. Through the AdS/CFT duality, physicists can solve complicated computations of gauge theories inhabiting a "boundary" by working with gravity theories in one more dimension, the so-called bulk. The duality dictates an equivalence between objects on each of its two sides, like a dictionary. What happens if we put a black hole on the boundary? What body inhabits the hyperbolic space in this case, and what shape does it have? Can this situation be studied dynamically? And most importantly, do we have a black funnel, a black droplet, or have we broken physics?

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