The NIC School tentative program and list of speakers include:
Stellar Evolution – Alessandro Chieffi (INAF, Italy)
High-Energy Astrophysics – Roland Diehl (MPE Garching, Germany)
Detectors, Beams & Targets – Fairouz Hammache (IJCLab Orsay, France)
Spectroscopy & Stellar Abundances – Andreas Korn (Uppsala U, Sweden)
Experimental Nuclear Physics – Richard Longland (NC State U, USA)
Nuclear Theory – Xavier Roca-Maza (ICCUB Barcelona, Spain)
Cosmochemistry – Sheri Singerling (Goethe U Frankfurt, Germany)
Stellar Explosions – Alan C. Calder (SUNY Stony Brook, USA)
Career Paths (Round Table) – Barbara de Marco (UPC Barcelona, Spain) + TBD
Several hands-on activities are being planned during the NIC School, including remote observations with the Nordic Optical Telescope, NOT (, courtesy of ChETEC-INFRA.