17–18 Mar 2025
Europe/Madrid timezone

Useful information


You can reach the university directly by subway from the airport.
The most used public transportation cards are:

  • T-casual (12,55€): 10 rides with all public transports. It does not include travel to and from the airport. It can only be used by 1 person.
  • T-usual (22,00€): unlimited travel with all public transport within the city for 30 days. It does include travel to and from the airport.
  • T-familiar (11,05€). 8 rides for multiple people during 30 consecutive days. It does not include the fare from/to the airport.
  • Ticket to and from the airport (5,70€+5,70€= 11,40€).
  • Single ticket bus 2,65€

Since T-casual does not include the airport, if you are planning to do some sightseeing in Barcelona, we usually recommend T-usual or the sahred T-familiar to the visitors.


Eduroam will be available at the campus.


If you need a working room, please contact the conference organizers or secretariacientifica@icc.ub.edu


Lunch can be taken at the canteen of the Faculty of Physics where the workshop takes place. It is a free buffet and includes food and water. Soft drinks are extra.

The cantines of the Faculties of Biology and Pharmacy and that of the Aleu Residence, located at ~100m - 200m from the workshop venue, will also be available. Alternatively, a variety of bars and restaurants can also be found on the Diagonal campus at less than 10 min walking distance. Here are some of our recommendations:

Santagloria Coffee & Bakery

Address: Passeig de Manuel Girona, 2, 08034 Barcelona


Crep Nova Pedralbes

Address: Carrer del Dr. August Pi i Sunyer, 12, 08034 Barcelona

Phone number: 937 64 88 36

Menú: carta-online.web.app



Address: Avinguda Diagonal, 633 P, BA, 08028 Barcelona

Phone number: 933 30 51 17



Address: Plaça de Pius XII, 4, 08028 Barcelona

Phone number: 935 08 10 30


D'Street Poke & Bowls - DSTREET

Address: Carrer de Sabino Arana, 36, 08028 Barcelona

Phone number: 936 88 87 84

Menú: dstreetpoke.com


Falafel Pedralbes (vegan)

Address: Carrer de Jordi Girona, 12, Local 1, 08034 Barcelona

Phone number: 934 90 05 79

Menú: falafelvegano.com


beGreen Salad Company

Address: Avinguda Diagonal, 674, 08034 Barcelona

Phone number: 936 81 90 24


City Expresso Bar Bcn S L

Address: Av. de Pedralbes, 12, 08034 Barcelona

Phone number: 936 24 22 20


Restaurante La Tagliatella

Address: Carrer del Dr. Ferran, 25-27, 08034 Barcelona

Menú: latagliatella.es


SandwiChez Cap. Arenas

Address: Carrer del Capità Arenas, 3, 08034 Barcelona

Phone number: 932 05 73 23


See also google maps.

During the conference breaks, coffee, beverages and snacks will be provided.