5–7 Oct 2021
online, organised by the Institute of Cosmos Sciences (ICCUB-IEEC)
Europe/Madrid timezone

Poster talk

5 Oct 2021, 17:50


Lola Balaguer-Nuñez - Clusterix 2.0 for Gaia EDR3

Marwan Gebran - The use of Deep Learning in stellar classification

Sergey Sapozhnikov - Search for clusters and extended stellar structures using the clustering-of-pairs method

Becky Arnold - Quantifying kinematic structure in star forming regions and using it to diagnose their evolutionary histories

Danny Horta - The contribution of dissolved/evaporated globular clusters to the Galactic stellar halo

Tereza Jerabkova - Needles in a haystack: Searching for tidal tails of open star clusters

Lu Li - Dynamical interaction in the stellar cluster — Evidence from binaries of NGC 3532

Presentation materials