5–7 Oct 2021
online, organised by the Institute of Cosmos Sciences (ICCUB-IEEC)
Europe/Madrid timezone

Poster talk


Ernst Paunzen - The star cluster research group at Masaryk University

Vinicius Branco - A grid of synthetic spectra for the study of multiple populations on globular clusters

Francisco Jose Galindo - Guil The impact of Gaia in Lithium Depletion Boundary ages

Vikrant Jadhav - Blue Straggler Stars in Open Clusters using Gaia: Macro properties and formation pathways

Elena Lacchin - The role of Type Ia supernova feedback on the second generation formation in globular clusters

Gustavo Medina - A study of Cepheids in open clusters in the Gaia eDR3 era

Long Wang - The impact of massive stars on the evolution of open star clusters and tidal tails

Presentation materials