6–7 Feb 2024
Facultat de Física
Europe/Madrid timezone

Status of Direct Determination of Solar Neutrino Fluxes after Borexino

6 Feb 2024, 15:20
Aula Magna Enric Casassas (Facultat de Física UB)

Aula Magna Enric Casassas

Facultat de Física UB


Joao Paulo Pinheiro (UB)


We determine the solar neutrino fluxes from the global analysis of the most
up-to-date terrestrial and solar neutrino data including the final results of the three phases
of Borexino. The analysis are performed in the framework of three-neutrino mixing with
and without accounting for the solar luminosity constraint. We discuss the independence
of the results on the input from the Gallium experiments. The determined fluxes are then
compared with the predictions provided by the latest Standard Solar Models. We quantify
the dependence of the model comparison with the assumptions about the normalization
of the solar neutrino fluxes produced in the CNO-cycle as well as on the particular set of
fluxes employed for the model testing.

Primary author

Presentation materials