- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
The objective of the workshop is to test a new approach to cosmological tensions - and a new approach to workshops too. It will focus on the role of transients in cosmological tensions, especially the H0 tension. This is particularly timely in light of the new DESI and DES SN Ia results, also in light of new JWST data and the start of Rubin-LSST time-domain observations. Particular focus will be put on the role of SN Ia (incl. lensed supernovae) in the apparent tensions and on how they can be combined with other probes to mitigate systematics inherent to any single method.
The meeting is hybrid (in person + zoom). We envision that European participants will be in-person in Barcelona, and US participants will connect remotely. Morning presentations will be pre-recorded and watched a-synchronously on the European mornings. The afternoons in Europe (morning in USA) will be devoted to live discussions and structured collaboration.
Two days will be devoted to supernovae, split between supernovae as cosmological probes per se and lensed supernovae to measure H0. One day will be devoted to time delay lensing, and one day to the role of peculiar velocity corrections both in the H0 determination from distance ladder, masers or standard sirens.
The approach we would like to test is one of adversarial collaboration, a.k.a. Red Teaming.
For each topic we will set up three teams. The blue team, which represents the teams responsible for a given measurement or result. The red team, made of experts who should challenge the blue team results in a constructive way with the goal of improving the robustness of the results. The white team: neutral coordinators who represent the view of the community and who are in charge of building a consensus.
Confirmed participants, either remote or in-person, include: Dillon Brout, Tamara Davis, Isobel Hook, Suhail Dhawan, Mikael Rigault, Julien Lesgourgues, Lluís Galbany, Pat Kelly, Justin Pierel, Brenda Frye, Saurabh Jha, Anowar Shajib, Martin Millon, Claudio Grillo, Sherry Suyu, Dominique Sluse, Maria Vincenzi, Suvodip Mukherje, Richard Anderson, Guihelm Lavaux, Dillon Brout, Dan Scolnic, Ariel Goobar, Bruno Leibundgut, David Rubin, Dominique Pesce, Peter Schneider, George Efstathiou, Mark Reid, Hector Gil, Nils Schonberg, Licia Verde, Adam Riess, Frédéric Courbin.
Scientific Organizing Committee