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Introduction: Nanoindentation is a powerful quasi-nondestructive technique in which the sample is indented with a nanometer-sized sharp end. The amount of displacement as a function of the applied load is parametrized to extract its local mechanical properties. This technique is widely used in material science as it is arising as a promising tool for extraterrestrial material...
The Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) feature is one of the main probes of cosmology today. It makes it possible to infer the expansion history of the universe through galaxy clustering. Throughout the standard analysis pipeline for measuring the BAO, reference cosmological models are assumed to enhance and model the signal. Current surveys such as DESI claim a precision of 0.52% on the BAO...
Exoplanet studies have shown us that most stars host in average planetary systems. Very few of these exoplanets have been directly observed. We rely mostly on indirect methods such as the radial velocity (RV) technique. This technique relies on detecting exoplanets by analyzing the Doppler signals induced on the stellar spectra due to an orbiting planet. However, RVs are not only sensitive to...
Scallop-shell stars are a recently-discovered class of young M dwarfs showing complex optical light curves, characterized by
periodic dips and additional features stable over tens to hundreds of rotation cycles, whose origin is not understood. 2MASS
J05082729−2101444 is a ∼25 Myr-old scallop-shell star identified using TESS data, with photometric period of 6.73 h attributed
to rotation....
Quarkonium, a bound state of a quark and antiquark, offers valuable insights into the strong interaction. Recent discoveries of exotic hadrons, such as hybrids, provide new opportunities to explore QCD beyond conventional quark models. This work explains quarks and hadrons while examinings very lightly the spectrum and decays of quarkonium-like exotic states.
With the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) ushering in a new era of exoplanet observations, accurately characterising exoplanet atmospheres is more crucial than ever for understanding their chemical compositions and potential habitability. A key observational technique for this is transmission spectroscopy, which measures the wavelength-dependent decrease in starlight as an exoplanet transits...
Hot Jupiters (HJs) are gas giants orbiting very close to their host stars, with orbital periods of a few days, corresponding to distances within about 0.1 AU. Due to the high irradiation from their host stars and the tidal locking of the rotational and orbital periods, strong temperature differences persist between the dayside and the nightside. This triggers strong thermal...
Through a holographic model of QCD, we present a phenomenological approach to study the running of the strong coupling constant αs in both non-perturbative and perturbative regimes. The renormalization of the metric tensor, driven by the Ricci Flow, and the breaking of conformal and chiral symmetries -- thanks to introducing a double dilaton model and large-Nc corrections -- allow us to relate...