28 November 2022 to 2 December 2022
UTC timezone

AstroEarth Trails - Increasing Climate Change Awareness through outdoor activities in an international collaboration

1 Dec 2022, 11:00
1h 30m



Dana Ficut-Vicas (Astronomical Observatory Cluj-Napoca of the Romanian Academy)


Just like the night sky, there are natural places in the world that simply leave us in an awe. Breathtaking sceneries that inspire us and motivate us to fight for our planet Earth. We all know such a place don’t we? I am proposing to create trails to such places in different locations on Earth and link these trails to Astronomy and the Universe, add an action for Earth Experience for the visitor and so create an AstroEarth Trail. Different AstroEarth Trails could comunicate with each other and promote one another and collaborate in doing events such as a treasure hunts or exhibitions. To what purpose? To remind us what we are fighting for, to deepen our connection with and our knowledge about Nature, to integrate Nature in our lives, to satisfy our sense of exploration, to enable us to act our Nature inspired emotions and most important of all to take action for Planet Earth.
The aim of this workshop is to establish an international collaboration that creates, sustains and internationally promotes AstroEarth Trails. This international team will work together towards a collection of AstroEarth Trails. At the workshops we would like to brainstorm along with the participants on a good selection of such Natural locations, a list of possible actions for Earth experiences and possible astro-stories that allow integrating Nature and Universe in a complete outdoor experience. In this workshop we would like to put together the basis of the AstroEarth Trails project and explore creatively all the possibilities of bringing Nature and the Universe closer to people everywhere.

Join this workshop via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/97310186253?pwd=NVIwUGQ0TXd2RXJ6NEJPT0JUNVlWZz09

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