8–12 Jul 2024
Facultat de Biologia, Universitat de Barcelona
Europe/Madrid timezone

Study of the neutron-rich nucleus $\rm ^{6}H$ in electron scattering experiment at MAMI-A1

8 Jul 2024, 17:15
Aula M1 (Facultat de Biologia)

Aula M1

Facultat de Biologia


Josef Pochodzalla


The neutron-rich isotopes of hydrogen, such as $\rm ^{6}H$ and $\rm ^{7}H$, are good platforms for the study of NN interactions in neutron-rich environments because they have the largest neutron-to-proton ratios known so far. However, the experimental and theoretical studies of them are still limited. For $\rm ^{6}H$, the energy of its ground state is still controversial. It is about 2.7 MeV (above the $\rm ^{3}H$+3n threshold) in some experiments but about 6.6 MeV in others. The actual location of the $\rm ^{6}H$ ground state remains an open problem in theoretical work as well.

To solve this puzzle, $\rm ^{6}H$ is studied for the first time in an electron scattering experiment with the reaction $\rm ^{7}Li(e, e'p\pi^{+})^{6}H$ at MAMI-A1. The 855 MeV electron beam of the Mainzer Microtron (MAMI) is used to hit a $\rm ^{7}Li$ target. The scattered electron, the produced proton, and $\pi^{+}$ are measured with high resolution and accuracy by the three-spectrometer setup in the A1 hall. With the triple timing coincidence and momentum measurements of three spectrometers, the missing mass spectrum of $\rm ^{6}H$ can be obtained. In this talk, we will present the principle experiment, the experimental setup, and data analysis, including corrections and calibrations of the data. Our measurement of the $\rm ^{6}H$ ground state energy will be shown and compared with previous measurements and theoretical expectations.

session I. Nuclear Structure and Reactions

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