ICCUB School
In recent years, entanglement has become a central subject in the areas of quantum field theory and gravity. The goal of this school is to introduce Ph.D. students (and anyone interested) to the fundamental aspects of entanglement in these contexts. The school will involve four (4 or 5-hour) courses which will be delivered by renowned experts on the subject. The lectures will cover topics such as: the general structure of entanglement entropy in QFT, operator algebras and modular theory, entanglement and black holes, entanglement in AdS/CFT, entanglement and symmetries, energy and entropy bounds, irreversibility theorems, and others.
- Horacio Casini (Instituto Balseiro, Centro Atómico Bariloche)
"Applications of quantum information to quantum field theory"
- Stefan Hollands (ITP, U. Leipzig)
"Entanglement and operator algebras"
- Sergio Hernández-Cuenca (MIT)
"Entanglement and holography"
- Sergey Solodukhin (Institut Denis Poisson, U. Tours)
"Entanglement and horizons"
19th-23rd June, 2023
Organizing Committee
Pablo Bueno (local organizer ICCUB Barcelona)
Bartomeu Fiol (local organizer ICCUB Barcelona)
This event is part of the grant CEX2019-000918-M funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.