Sep 5 – 7, 2023
Institute of Cosmos Sciences (ICCUB-IEEC)
Europe/Madrid timezone

Impact, Inclusiveness and Outreach: Outputs from the MW-Gaia WG5 School


Dionysios Gakis (University of Patras)


The main goal of MW-Gaia is to enhance the scientific exploration of the Gaia satellite results across the community in Europe and beyond. WG5 working group is devoted to impact, inclusiveness and outreach, and one of the workshops organized towards this plan is the WG5 School. The program includes four sessions, workshops, hands-on activities covering topics such as public engagement, practical skills for engaging with diverse audiences, and training in social innovation. As a selected participant for the school, we will present the outputs of this event, such as ideas and initiatives to improve inclusion and impact, reinforcing the importance of equity, diversity, and inclusion commitment in research. Lastly, this poster will present the highlights from the participants' assigned projects, showcasing the ideas developed during the school.

Primary author

Dionysios Gakis (University of Patras)

Presentation materials