I present a framework for constructing self-consistent dynamical models of our Galaxy described by distribution functions in action space, and its extension to the chemical space (metallicity and alpha). The models are fitted to the data from Gaia DR3 and APOGEE DR17, and contain several disc components with varying chemodynamical properties, as well as the stellar and dark haloes. The models...
More than fifty years ago, Lin & Shu (1964), Lin & Shu (1966), Lin et al. (1969), and Shu (1970), published their basic, asymptotic theory of spiral sound-like density waves (or a `breathing mode of collective oscillations'), developing in the disk of a rotationally flattened galaxy, by solving both gas-dynamic and Vlasov-Poisson equations for a 2D mass distribution. The theoretical concept of...
The so-called action variables are specific functions of the positions and velocities that remain constant along the stellar orbit. The astrometry provided by Gaia Early Data Release 3 (EDR3), combined with the velocities inferred from the Radial Velocity Spectrograph (RVS) spectra of Gaia DR3, allows for the estimation of the actions and orbital parameters for the largest volume of stars to...
Decoding the key dynamical processes that shape the Galactic disk structure is crucial for reconstructing the Milky Way's evolution history. The second Gaia data release uncovers a new wave pattern in the L_Z-V_R space accompanied by a richness of phase space substructures, signifying the Galactic disk in dynamical disequilibrium. However, its formation mechanism remains elusive due to the...