4:00 PM
WP4: ESR1@UB "The joint star-formation, migration, and habitability history of the Galactic disk""
Daniel del Ser
Friedrich Anders
4:10 PM
WP4: ESR3@INAF "Young clusters: kinematics, stellar evolution and modelling"
Antonella Vallenari
4:20 PM
WP4: ESR9@NKUA "Testing the model predictions for the AGB using star clusters in the MW and MGCs"
Despina Hatzidimitriou
4:30 PM
WP4: Phd@UCAM "Exoplanet Host Star Characterisation with Gaia and spectroscopy"
Nicholas Walton
4:40 PM
WP5: ESR4@LUND "Probing the Galaxy with visible-NIR astrometry and gravitational waves"
David Hobbs
4:50 PM
WP5: ESR6@UC "AGN and the ICRF with Gaia"
Sonia Anton
5:00 PM
WP5: ESR7@TUD "Relativistic challenges of sub-microarcsec astrometry"
Sergei Klioner
5:10 PM
WP5: ESR10@TUD "Astrometric characterisation of QSOs and the stability of tge "
Sergei Klioner