EFT'2024 : School on Effective Field Theories and Phenomenology
Effective field theories (EFTs) have been the main driving force in our increased understanding of Quantum Field Theory in the last few decades, both from the conceptual and computational perspectives.
Mastering the tools surrounding EFTs is a necessary skill for any future researcher in the field of particle physics. The objective of this school is to provide PhD students and young postdocs with a comprehensive package of lectures and exercise sessions which will allow them to understand the literature in depth and start contributing to research in the field.
The school will take place from 15th to 19th of July 2024, at the University of Zurich. Participants will be asked to pay 200 CHF of school fees, covering lunch meals, coffee breaks and the social event.
Courses and Lecturers:
-- General Aspects of EFTs -- José Santiago
-- EFTs for Flavor Physics -- Admir Greljo
-- Higher-Order calculations in EFTs -- Mikolaj Misiak
-- Global fits in EFTs -- Peter Stangl
Every course will be divided in 3-4 lectures, 45-60min each. Exercise sessions will help the students master the concepts and tools presented during the lectures. A more detailed timetable will be made available soon.
Organization panel:
Jason Aebischer (University of Zurich)
Matteo Fael (CERN)
Pol Morell (ICC, Barcelona U.)
Marko Pesut (University of Zurich)
Zach Polonsky (University of Zurich)
Javier Virto (ICC, Barcelona U.)
This workshop is generously funded by the Pauli Center for Theoretical Studies, ETH, Zurich.