6–8 May 2025
Facultat de Física
Europe/Madrid timezone

Venue, location and useful information

The meeting will take place at the Sala de Graus Eduard Fontserè of the Faculty of Physics of the University of Barcelona, at the Campus Diagonal.

The Conference is hosted by the Institut de Ciències del Cosmos of the Universitat de Barcelona (ICCUB). 

Faculty of Physics: Google Maps  

The Venue can be reached by Metro (stop "Palau Reial", Metro Line 3), by TRAM (stop "Palau Reial", lines T1, T2 and T3) and several buses (bus stop "Avinguda Diagonal Palau Reial", lines 7, 33, 67, 75, 113 and H6). Check the location at Google Maps. More detailed indications and public transport conditions using the Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona search engine here.

Sala de Graus Eduard Fontserè, Facultat de Física UB,
Universitat de Barcelona
Carrer de Martí i Franquès, 1, 11, Distrito de Les Corts, 08028 Barcelona


 Below you will find some suggestions for nearby researchers'/students' residences, which you may be interested to book for your stay. Otherwise, you can use any web-based hotel search engines (e.g. booking.com, hotels.com, or tripadvisor)


IMPORTANT NOTE: Participants are responsible for arranging their own accommodation. May is a busy time in Barcelona, we strongly recommend to book your hotel well in advance! 



Atiram Hotel Barcelona 
Hotel Arenas: C. del Capità Arenas, 20, Les Corts, 08034 Barcelona
Hotel Tres Torres: C. de Calatrava, 32, Sarrià-Sant Gervasi, 08017 Barcelona

Student Residences 

Suggested Accommodation- ALEU Residence

Placed right next to our Faculty, they opened the doors two years ago. They offer single rooms and access to the gym and laundry services, among others, but they do not provide amenities. 


We strongly suggest this accommodation. In order to book a room there, please contact aleu@yugo.com, informing about the length of your stay and stating that you are registered for the ICCUB meeting.

Visit their website for more information but DO NOT book through their webpage, which is prepared for long-term student stays.






Other Student & Researchers Residences


Col·legi Major Penyafort                                            
Near ICCUB                                                       


This residence offers discounted rooms for the QNP2024 participants. They are single/double rooms with shared common-floor bathrooms and they do not have air conditioning (July is a very hot month in Barcelona, so bear that in mind!)

Participants interested in booking a room in this residence, should email reserves_penyafort@ub.edu, with the email subject: ICCUB congress.

Residència Torre Girona





This residence offers discounted rooms for the QNP2024 participants. 


Residència d'Investigadors CSIC  

City Center




This residence offers discounted rooms for the QNP2024 participants. 



Residència Pere Felip Monlau  

City Center





Lunch can be taken at the canteen of the Faculty of Physics where the meeting takes place. The cantines of the Faculties of Biology and Pharmacy and that of the Aleu Residence, located at ~100m - 200m from the meeting venue, will also be available. 


Bars Campus Diagonal


Alternatively, a variety of bars and restaurants can also be found on the Diagonal campus at less than 10 min walking distance. Here are some of our recommendations:

Santagloria Coffee & Bakery

Address: Passeig de Manuel Girona, 2, 08034 Barcelona


Crep Nova Pedralbes

Address: Carrer del Dr. August Pi i Sunyer, 12, 08034 Barcelona

Phone number: 937 64 88 36

Menú: carta-online.web.app



Address: Avinguda Diagonal, 633 P, BA, 08028 Barcelona

Phone number: 933 30 51 17



Address: Plaça de Pius XII, 4, 08028 Barcelona

Phone number: 935 08 10 30


D'Street Poke & Bowls - DSTREET

Address: Carrer de Sabino Arana, 36, 08028 Barcelona

Phone number: 936 88 87 84

Menú: dstreetpoke.com


Falafel Pedralbes (vegan)

Address: Carrer de Jordi Girona, 12, Local 1, 08034 Barcelona

Phone number: 934 90 05 79

Menú: falafelvegano.com


beGreen Salad Company

Address: Avinguda Diagonal, 674, 08034 Barcelona

Phone number: 936 81 90 24


City Expresso Bar Bcn S L

Address: Av. de Pedralbes, 12, 08034 Barcelona

Phone number: 936 24 22 20


Restaurante La Tagliatella

Address: Carrer del Dr. Ferran, 25-27, 08034 Barcelona

Menú: latagliatella.es


SandwiChez Cap. Arenas

Address: Carrer del Capità Arenas, 3, 08034 Barcelona

Phone number: 932 05 73 23


See also google maps.

During the conference breaks, coffee, beverages and snacks will be provided.



May can be warm to moderately hot in Barcelona, with day temperatures reaching 25-30 degree Celsius (~75 - 85 degree Fahrenheit) and slightly fresher mornings/afternoons. Sporadic rain is not usual but cannot be discarded. 



Barcelona is very well connected by public transportation (metro, buses, tram and train). The most used public transportation cards, which include metro, train, buses and tram, are:

  • T-casual (12,55€): 10 rides with all public transports. It does not include travel to and from the airport.
  • T-usual (22€): unlimited travel with all public transports within the city for 30 days. It does include travel to and from the airport.
  • Ticket to and from the airport (5,50€+5,50€= 11€)

Since t-casual does not include the airport, and in case you want to go sightseeing in Barcelona, we usually recommend T-usual to visitors.