Jul 9 – 12, 2019
Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona
Europe/Madrid timezone

The High Energy Phenomena in Relativistic Outflows (HEPRO) conference series are devoted to the discussion of the latest and more relevant observational, phenomenological, and theoretical developments in the field of high-energy astrophysics related to systems displaying relativistic winds and jets.  Some specific topics traditionally included in the HEPRO conferences include gamma-ray production in relativistic outflows, multi-wavelength jet/outflow emission, formation and propagation of relativistic jets, and particle acceleration in different relativistic contexts.

Previous editions of HEPRO were held in Dublin (2007), in Buenos Aires (2009), in Barcelona (2011), in Heidelberg (2013), in La Plata (2015), and in Moscow (2017). The next edition will take place in Barcelona on July 9th to 12th 2019, and it will focus on similar topics and with emphasis on the physics of high-energy processes in all kinds of relativistic outflows. 

The meeting will be hosted by the Institut de Ciències del Cosmos of the Universitat de Barcelona (ICCUB). The workshop will take place at the Faculty of Physics in the Aula Magna Enric Casassas, which can accommodate up to 190 attendants. There will be invited and contributed talks, posters, and plenty of time for discussion.




Invited Speakers

  • Lorenzo Amati (INAF)
  • Elena Amato (INAF)
  • Maxim Barkov (Purdue University)
  • Sergey Bogovalov (MEPHI)
  • Pol Bordas (Universitat de Barcelona/ICCUB)
  • Jo van den Brand (Nikhef)
  • Benoit Cerutti (Université Grenoble Alpes)
  • Luigi Costamante (ASI)
  • Evgeny Derishev (IAIP-RAS)
  • Jose L. Gómez (IAA-CSIC)
  • Sergey Komissarov (University of Leeds)
  • Amir Levinson (Tel Aviv University)
  • Emily Petroff (University of Amsterdam/API)
  • Maria Petropoulou (Princeton University)
  • Oliver Porth (API)
  • Frank Rieger (Universität Heidelberg)
  • Florencia Vieyro (IAR)
  • Roberta Zanin (MPIK)
  • Bing Zhang (UNLV)

      Scientific Organising Committee

     Local Organising Committee

  • Felix Aharonian (DIAS/MPIK)
  • Gennady Bisnovatyi-Kogan (IKI)
  • Ioannis Contopoulos (Academy of Athens)
  • Alice Harding (NASA)
  • Dmitry Khangulyan (Rikkyo University,)
  • Josep M. Paredes (Chair; Universitat de Barcelona/ICCUB)
  • Manel Perucho (Universitat de València) 
  • Elena Pian (INAF)
  • Tsvi Piran (HUJI)                
  • Nanda Rea (CSIC-IEEC)
  • Elisa Resconi (TUM)
  • Gustavo E. Romero (IAR/UNLP)
  • Samar Safi-Harb (University of Manitoba)
  • Megan C. Urry  (Yale University) 
  • Xiang-Yu Wang (Nanjing University) 
  • Pol Bordas 
  • Valentí Bosch-Ramon
  • Matteo Cerruti
  • Kazushi Iwasawa
  • Edgar Molina
  • Josep M. Paredes
  • Marc Ribó
  • Núria Torres-Albà




Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona
Aula Magna Enric Casassas
C/ Martí i Franquès 1, 08028 Barcelona, Spain