9–12 Jul 2019
Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona
Europe/Madrid timezone

GRS 1758-258 as a winged microquasar

11 Jul 2019, 12:00
contributed talk Relativistic outflows from galactic sources Relativistic outflows from galactic sources


Josep Martí (Universidad de Jaén)


The large-scale morphology of the prototypical microquasar GRS 1758-258 resembles the Z-shape of the subclass of extragalactic radio sources known as winged radio galaxies. This new quasar-microquasar analogy allows us to study the nature of the origin of this peculiar morphology, which seems to be related to the hydrodynamical back flow. Some other implications could be stated assuming that physical processes at work are similar in Galactic and extragalactic cases

Primary author

Josep Martí (Universidad de Jaén)


Pedro L. Luque-Escamilla (Universidad de Jaén)

Presentation materials