A search for the $H$-dibaryon has been conducted at J-PARC using a 1.8 GeV/c $K^-$ beam, in June 2021. The E42 experiment was designed to maximize sensitivity from a loosely bound $H$ to resonances near $\Lambda\Lambda$ and $\Xi^-p$ thresholds with the Hyperon Spectrometer. A time-projection chamber (HypTPC) reconstructs all charged particles' trajectories that emerged from the $^{12}$C$(K^-, K^+)X$ reaction. We observed thousands of $\Lambda\Lambda$ events, which are two orders of magnitude more than ever. We believe the observation of such large statistics $\Lambda\Lambda$ events will shed light on the H-dibaryon search. We will present the E42 apparatus and analysis progress toward the $H$-dibaryon search and outline preliminary results on $\Lambda\Lambda$ production in the $^{12}$C$(K^-, K^+)X$ reaction.
session | B. Hadron Spectroscopy |