8–12 Jul 2024
Facultat de Biologia, Universitat de Barcelona
Europe/Madrid timezone

Amplitude Analysis of $\omega\pi^0$ Photoproduction at GlueX

9 Jul 2024, 15:20
Aula M2 (Facultat de Biologia)

Aula M2

Facultat de Biologia

Contributed talk B. Hadron Spectroscopy


Kevin Scheuer (William & Mary)


The GlueX experiment at Jefferson Laboratory seeks to map out the spectrum of light mesons produced from a linearly polarized photon beam. The production and decays of a light meson resonance $X$ such as $\gamma p\rightarrow Xp' \rightarrow \omega\pi^0 p'$ can be modeled with polarized vector-pseudoscalar amplitudes, which can describe the contribution of individual amplitudes to the total measured intensity. The status of mass-independent fits to the $\omega\pi^0$ mass spectrum over a wide mass and $t$ range will be presented, with a particular focus on the observed production process of the $b_1(1235)$ meson. Additionally, we will present a complementary polarized moment analysis for the vector-pseudoscalar process. Though moments lack immediate physical interpretation their basis has unique solutions by construction, allowing one to better understand consistency between repeated fit results. Their physical meaning can be recovered by translating back to the partial wave basis. The results of these analyses will enhance our understanding of how the various states of light mesons are produced.

session B. Hadron Spectroscopy

Primary author

Kevin Scheuer (William & Mary)

Presentation materials