Jul 8 – 12, 2024
Facultat de Biologia, Universitat de Barcelona
Europe/Madrid timezone

Recent developments in tetraquark studies at LHCb

Jul 11, 2024, 3:20 PM
Aula M1 (Facultat de Biologia)

Aula M1

Facultat de Biologia


Piet Nogga


The last decade has seen a wealth of discoveries of new hadronic states with heavy quarks, many of which are outside the scope of the naive quark model of conventional mesons and baryons. The LHCb experiment, designed to research heavy flavor hadrons in $pp$ collisions, is especially well suited to investigate the nature of these states. An under-exploited source of hadronic resonances are semileptonic $B$-decays, which offer an environment in which these states can be studied without the complication of crossed channel effects. This presentation will summarize recent developments in tetraquark studies at LHCb as well as present an outlook for tetraquark spectroscopy in semileptonic $B$-decays with an emphasis on their possible molecular nature.

session F. Heavy Flavor and Quarkonia

Primary author


Presentation materials