8–12 Jul 2024
Facultat de Biologia, Universitat de Barcelona
Europe/Madrid timezone

The $D^+ \to \bar K^0 \pi^+ \eta$ reaction and $a_0(980)$

11 Jul 2024, 15:40
Aula M4 (Facultat de Biologia)

Aula M4

Facultat de Biologia

Contributed talk D. Hadron Decays


Natsumi Ikeno (Tottori University)


The $D^{+} \to K_s^0 \pi^{+} \eta$ reaction was recently measured by the BESIII collaboration [1]. The reaction is actually $D^{+} \to \bar{K}^0 \pi^{+} \eta$, with the $\bar{K}^0$ observed as a $K_s^0$ state.
We study the $D^{+} \to \bar{K}^0 \pi^{+} \eta$ reaction, where the $a_0(980)$ excitation plays a dominant role. We consider mechanisms of external and internal emission at the quark level, hadronize the $q \bar{q}$ components into two mesons, and allow these mesons to undergo final-state interaction, where the $a_0(980)$ state is dynamically generated. While the production of $a_0(980)$ is the dominant term, we also find other terms in the reaction that interfere with this production mode. Through interference with it, they lead to a shape of the $a_0(980)$ significantly different from the one observed in other experiments, with an apparently much larger width. I will give a presentation based on Ref. [2] and also discuss the $D^0 \to K^{-} \pi^{+} \eta$ reaction by changing a $\bar{d} \to \bar{u}$ quark in Ref. [3].

[1] M.~Ablikim et al. [BESIII], arXiv:2309.05760 [hep-ex].
[2] N. Ikeno, J. M. Dias, W. H. Liang and E. Oset, arXiv:2402.04073 [hep-ph].
[3] G. Toledo, N. Ikeno and E. Oset, Eur. Phys. J. C81, 268 (2021).

session D. Hadron Decays

Primary author

Natsumi Ikeno (Tottori University)


Jorgivan Dias (Ins, Theor Phys Beijing) Wei Hong Liang (Guangxi Normal Univ) Eulogio Oset (University of Valencia)

Presentation materials