4–8 Jul 2022
Facultat de Biologia, Universitat de Barcelona
Europe/Madrid timezone

Gamma-ray emitting binaries

6 Jul 2022, 11:30
Review, Highlight, or Invited talk Highlight Talks topical


Pol Bordas (ICCUB)


Binary systems are today well established gamma-ray emitters, and the variety of the processes responsible for this emission is a hard act to follow among any other high-energy source class. After years of faithful perspectives, extensive theoretical modelling and complex MHD simulations, GeV/TeV detectors have reported a too rich phenomenology to be predicted just a few years ago. I will review in this talk some of the most challenging highlights in binary systems in the gamma-ray domain, from orbitally modulation to orphan flares in pulsar gamma-ray binaries to gamma-rays in microquasar jet/medium interactions regions and powerful explosions in novae systems.

Primary author

Pol Bordas (ICCUB)

Presentation materials