4–8 Jul 2022
Facultat de Biologia, Universitat de Barcelona
Europe/Madrid timezone

CTA Science in the multimessenger era

8 Jul 2022, 09:30


Patrizia Caraveo (IASF-INAF)


High-energy photons are a powerful tool to understand the most violent phenomena in our Universe. Space instruments, as well as ground-based ones, are now producing a steady flow of important results often in conjunction with observatories working at different wavelengths. Multi-messenger astronomy is the newly born discipline to which high-energy gamma-ray detectors provide an essential contribution. Indeed high-energy gamma-rays provide a natural link between electromagnetic astronomy and gravitational as well as neutrino ones. Although high-energy astrophysics is enjoying a true golden age, not all the long-standing problems have been solved. The origin of cosmic rays is still challenging us. To pinpoint the ultimate accelerators sky coverage, together with sensitivity and high angular resolution are badly needed. The Cherenkov Telescope Array promises to be a game changer and we are eagerly waiting for it.

Primary author

Patrizia Caraveo (IASF-INAF)


Presentation materials