Sonal Ramesh Patel
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
VERITAS, an array of four 12-m imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes, has been fully operational since April 2007. One of the key VERITAS science programs have included the search for and monitoring of gamma-ray binaries. The gamma-ray binary systems are composed of a massive star and a compact object, black hole or neutron star. Their spectral energy distributions peak above 1 GeV. VERITAS archive consists of more than 200 hr of datasets for HESS J0632+057 and LS I +61° 303, having orbital period of ~316.7 days and ~26.5 days, respectively. We will discuss the status and results from the VERITAS and Swift-XRT observations for these binary systems.
Primary author
Sonal Ramesh Patel
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)