The intense star-forming activity typical of starburst galaxies results in unique conditions for high-energy particles. The enhanced supernova rate associated with such star formation can in fact transfer a large amount of power to non-thermal particles which, in turn, can lose most of their energy in the dense and perturbed starburst environment before being able to escape it.
I will discuss the transport conditions in starburst galaxies and their multimessenger implications in terms of gamma rays and high-energy neutrinos.
The starburst activity can also launch and sustain powerful galactic wind bubbles extending for several kiloparsecs. I will illustrate how particles can be accelerated up to hundreds of PeV at shocks produced in such winds and I will highlight the associated high-energy radiation.
Finally, by taking into account the star formation history of the Universe, I will assess the potential contribution of starburst galaxies to the observed diffuse flux of gamma rays, high-energy neutrinos and cosmic rays at energies beyond the Knee.